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Student Services

to use while you're here

C.C. Jones Centre

16 Bailey Dr, Fredericton, NB

The services in the C.C. Jones building are FREE to full time students. Use these services while they are free and easily accessible!


FINANCIAL AID: The first floor of the C.C. Jones Building is The Financial Aid Centre (different from the Financial Services Centre where you would pay your fees) can provide different information and assistance with bursaries, budgeting, student loans and other money matters.


COUNSELLING: UNB Counselling Services is on the second floor. They can provide individual counselling, group counselling, self-directed resources, and referrals to other services. They also provide faster services to those in crisis, but if you need immediate help call CHIMO or 911.


HEALTH: The Student Health Centre is the third floor of the C.C. Jones Building. Every full-time student has access to the health centre w  regardless if they opt-out of the UNB Student Health Insurance Plan. The health centre is much like any other clinic, they have nurses and doctors that can help with any medical issues. They do same day/next day appointments so make sure you're able to go the day of or after you book. You can book over the phone or in person, but the phone lines are normally full so the latter is easiest.

10 Mackay Dr, Fredericton, NB


Our campus has a student accessibility centre located in Marshall d'Avray Hall. They provide many services and can make arrangements for students like getting accommodations for tests and other support. To register you should email the office to set up an appointment with an advisor. You can get more info and guidance through this process by talking to our accessibility representative!


15 Peter Kelly Dr,

Fredericton, NB

URec is UNB's recreation services and it provides many free services to full-time students. You can use the Currie Centre gym and the Lady Beaverbrook gym and pool for free using your ID. There are many free and paid group fitness activities, you just need to look on their website or posters. 

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